Green Petfood Dry Dog Food

Green Petfood offers a meat-free and grain-free alternative to conventional dry dog food. Green Petfood dry kibble provides adult dogs with a balanced, low-protein, vegetarian diet, with potatoes, peas, herbs and fruit. The food is 99% vegan and gentle on the digestion, which even makes it suitable for dogs with food intolerances or allergies to animal protein.

1 - 4 of 4 products
1 - 4 of 4 products
1 - 4 of 4 products

100% vegetarian and 99.99% vegan dry food for adult dogs, free from meat and grains, with potato, peas, herbs, fruits and a balance of beneficial nutrients, with no additives or wheat.

Delivery in 1-5 working days
4 Varieties from
€8.88 / kg
€6.10 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 10kg
individually priced €121.98
Now €119.99
€6.00 / kg
Economy Pack: 5 x 900g
individually priced €39.95
Now €38.49
€8.55 / kg

Hypoallergenic dry dog food with 100% insect protein as a novel source of animal protein and fatty acids. Grain-free, with a balanced nutrient mix and sustainable thanks to low CO2 emissions.

Delivery in 1-5 working days
3 Varieties from
€9.66 / kg
€6.75 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 10kg
individually priced €134.98
Now €132.99
€6.65 / kg

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100% vegetarian dry dog food, free from meat and gluten and highly-digestible, with red lentils, valuable amino acids and omega fatty acids, in a recipe ideal for sensitive dogs and allergy sufferers.

Delivery in 1-5 working days
4 Varieties from
€7.99 / kg
Economy Pack: 5 x 900g
individually priced €35.95
Now €34.49
€7.66 / kg
€5.60 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 10kg
individually priced €111.98
Now €109.99
€5.50 / kg

Digestible dry food for adult dogs, with insect protein and rice, rich in valuable fatty acids, vitamins E and C, inulin and yeast, ideal for sensitive dogs and easy to digest.  

Delivery in 1-5 working days
4 Varieties from
€7.77 / kg
Economy Pack: 5 x 900g
individually priced €34.95
Now €33.49
€7.44 / kg
€5.65 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 10kg
individually priced €112.98
Now €111.99
€5.60 / kg