Pedigree Dog Food

Discover Pedigree

Pedigree dog food gives your dog everything he needs daily. And with the meaty Pockets, Pedigree tastes even better! Back to the dog food product group.

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1 - 3 of 3 products
1 - 3 of 3 products

This complete dry food contains tasty beef and valuable vegetables, offering essential meat protein to help strengthen muscles and omega acids for overall health, alongside a range of key nutrients.

Delivery in 1-5 working days
3 Varieties from
€4.10 / kg
€3.86 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 7 kg
individually priced €53.98
Now €52.49
€3.75 / kg

Delicious dry food for adult dogs, made with fresh chicken and no artificial flavours, a source of fibre, omega-6 and vitamin E to help support your dog's overall health and wellbeing.

Delivery in 1-5 working days
2 Varieties from
€4.69 / kg
Economy Pack: 3 x 2.6kg
individually priced €36.57
Now €34.99
€4.49 / kg

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Delicious dry food for adult dogs, made with fresh beef and no artificial flavours, providing omega-6 fatty acids as well as natural fibre and minerals, made in Germany.

Delivery in 1-5 working days
1 Varieties from

Sold out

€3.84 / kg
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