Delicious grain- and gluten-free cat treats, made from high-quality chicken or duck breast meat which is gentle freeze-dried. Perfect for pets with intolerances and suitable for dogs.
If you are looking for a tasty snack for your cat which is also suitable for pets with allergies or intolerances then, you should definitely try the Porta 21 Kitty Beat cat treats! The treats are gently freeze-dried and made from delicious chicken or duck breast. Perfect as a reward or a treat between meals.
Porta 21 Kitty Beat Cat Treats are a great source of protein and free from any grain or gluten. And here's a little tip: the crumbs that are left in the jar at the end can simply be used as a topping for regular meals - making them taste even better!
Porta 21 Kitty Beat Cat Treats at a glance:
- Delicious snacks for cats
- Also a good choice for cats with sensitivities or intolerances
- Also extremely popular with dogs
- Freeze-dried snack cubes: ideal as a reward or for in-between meals
- Excellent source of protein: made from juicy chicken breast or duck breast
- Well tolerated: grain- & gluten-free
- The remaining crumbs are great as a topping for the daily menu
- From German production