Alpha Spirit wet dog food offers hypoallergenic, balanced, healthy and delicious dishes in a variety of flavours, each containing 92% meat or fish as a single-source protein and combined with tasty fresh fruit. Alpha Spirit is guaranteed to be made exclusively from high-quality, fresh ingredients from local producers. These Alpha Spirit dishes are created without the use of animal testing, contain no additional additives and are GMO-free. The best thing about Alpha Spirit wet dog food is what it doesn't contain - it is entirely pure, natural and delicious!
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Innovative wet food for dogs, with juicy meatballs in a cooking gravy, with 80% fresh meat refined with vegetables and spices, grain- and gluten-free, gently cooked to retain flavour and nutrients.
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High quality wet food for small breed dogs, delicious pâté in 4 flavours, with lots of fresh meat, gluten-free recipe, food quality ingredients, very tasty
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