Walkies? This tasty vegan complete adult wet dog food with nutritious potatoes, lupin vegetable protein, beetroot and pears, is just the thing after a long walk. It's 100% grain-free and 100% vegan.
Rebel Belle Adult Vegan Garden Bowl - a flavour-packed delight!
This is what the dog world has been waiting for:
Rebel Belle Adult Vegan Garden Bowl complete wet vegan food tastes amazing and doesn't need supplementing with any other food. Spoil your dog with delicious
grain-free meal, made with iron-rich beetroot, pears, nutritious potatoes and vegetable protein from lupins. Every mouthful is a flavoursome experience.
Rebel Belle Adult Vegan Garden Bowl at a glance:
- 100 % vegan
- 100% grain-free
- Wholesome complete wet dog food
- With potato, lupin, beetroot & pear
- Absolutely no fake stuff – that's a promise!
- Made in Germany
Very tasty, very vegan:
Rebel Belle wet dog food proves that amazingly tasty food doesn't need animal protein and neither does your dog. Our vegan bowls contain everything your dog needs to stay fit and happy.
We guarantee it is free from artificial colours, flavours or fillers. This high-quality dog food is vegantastically tasty and helps to reduce your climate-footprint, so it's easy to make the right decision.
Rebel Belle is a premium complete wet dog food that supplies all the daily nutrients such as high-quality proteins and fats, easily digestible carbohydrates, essential minerals & vital substances as well as vitamins, that your dog needs. No additional food is necessary.
Some hints about changing your dog's diet: As with us humans, your dog's digestive system has to adapt to any new food. The easiest way to do this to replace ¼ of the old food with ¼ of the new food, every 3 days.
Give your dog about 2 weeks to get used to the new food.