Excellent - if you know how to use it!
Lets get this straight from the off. This scoop is no good for larger grained litter . It's only really useable with a very fine litter.
Try and clean the whole tray using it, and you could be making more work for yourself. The holes are tiny, so it takes a while for stuff to filter through, however, this scoop will prove to be a very worthwhile addition! I promise you that.
I have 15 litter trays that I clean every day, so do have more experience than most. The best way to deal with your litter tray is as follows... Use a standard scoop to take out the large lumps of 'nastiness'. This is quick and easy, as scoops with larger holes will sieve quicker. Take care doing it - every time you bash a lump and bits break off, they will stay in your tray making it smell... Once you've removed the large lumps, shake the tray, so the smallest chunks rise to the top. these are bits that have broken off the larger chunks as you've cleaned the tray/your cat has dug around. Use this scoop to remove those bits.
It will keep your tray fresher for longer, and keep your costs down as you won't be constantly replacing the whole tray contents.