My cat absolutely loves these. I buy 3 at a time because his goal is to rip it apart
: 5/5
My cat adores this toy
My cat goes crazy for this toy. Could entertain him for hours. He drags it around for us to play with him.
08/09/24|King Khan
: 5/5
: 5/5
Best toy
This is the best cheap toy. Bought 5 pieces
: 5/5
My kitten is obsessed with this toy. I think it's feather and little shiny papers that make noise. One per week gets destroyed so we keep on buying. 😊
: 5/5
My cat absolutely loves this toy. So much so that I just place an order for one every time I order food for her from this website. The toy has many feathers for her to feel like she is hunting a bird. Her preferred noise for a toy for hunting is a crackly sound which this toy has. I really recommend the feather waggler.
25/06/22|Veronika M
: 5/5
Definitely playful toy
My boys love this toy although one prefers the other end of it, but still..they are mad to chase it. bought 3 already,one broke on me and feathers were pulled out from playing with it so much 😅 definitely worth buying
: 5/5
favourite toy
Our cat absolutely loves this toy. Walks with it around the house and asks for it o be played with her.
: 5/5
Best toy for my 8 months kitten
Minus of this toy is that is breaking very quick, but the price is good so can order few in one time. My kitten loves it, asking to play few time a day and never egnore it. Highly recommended.
: 5/5
Best cat toy ever
Keeps my cat well entertained for hours!
: 5/5
Very good
Very good
13/10/21|Jenni Dee
: 5/5
I can't order fast enough. M cat dies for it
: 5/5
One of the best toys
My cat absolutely loves it. The feathers do fall out over time, ours lasted about 3 months, but they keep our cat entertained at all times. She just goes crazy! It's a great exercise! She is often walking around the house carrying one in her mouth as well and it's so funny to watch.
: 5/5
She can't get enough
as soon as I got it out, she hasn't left it or us alone
Had to get more after 1st 1 broke
: 5/5
My cat loves this it is really good and cheap and she plays with it every day.
01/01/19|Michelle Connor
: 5/5
Great for chase
My cat loves these. The feathers do fall out over time, ours lasted about 3 months, but they keep our cat entertained. He is often walking around the house carrying one in his mouth.
Originally published in
13/12/18|sophie Ride
: 5/5
So popular
This is the favourite toy in our house. There are literally fights over who gets to play with it. We had one for about a year and it was eaten to death. This time I've bought a pack of 3. They love the colours and the noise of the movement and even the plastic black end is the favourite with one cat lol!! Very sturdy product and amazing value!
: 5/5
Love them
My kittens absolutely love them. They get hours of entertainment out of them. They even carry them in there mouth up and down the hall as much as to ask you to play with them with it. Yes they break easy enough but what’s €0.99 a week or every 2weeks for the entertainment they get out of them. They prefer them over way more expensive toys I've bought. They just sit there unused.