Don't give them too many...
Despite having read reviews that 2 or 3 daily do the trick, I took it upon myself to translate the German instructions which stated 'between 5 and 10 daily'. Now Polo pusscat was having such a hard time with his hairballs that I thought I'd give him 5 in the morning and 5 in the evening. It was really doing the trick until he hit his tolerance one day and pooped all over himself. I assume the malt acts as a mild laxative, which is what caused the poopy episode. I stopped using them immediately, waited for his tummy to recover and then tried giving him just one every other day but I had blown it. Polo can no longer handle these malt bits. I have started mixing psyllium into his food to firm up his poops again. The malt bits are excellent but do go easy on them. A little does the trick.