Highly Recommended
I have just ordered a second one of these, from Zooplus. The first is still in use in my wife's car and now that I have my own car, I wanted one too.
They're highly durable, easily fitted, easily stowed and easily cleaned. But most of all it creates a spacious area in the back for my dogs (a Cocker and a Westie) and prevents them from jumping into the front as well as keeping the seats and the floorwell spotless.
There are handy velcroed(?) holes to allow the seatbelts through, if required. If you don't have headrests (front AND rear) you WILL have problems fitting it in place.
It seems a lot of money, but genuinely, for what you get, it's well worth it.
The only fault I could find with it (if you could call it a fault) was that, coming from a company called 'KleinMetall' in Germany the instructions were in german only. But you don't have to work for NASA to figure out how to assemble it. It's simple!
Highly Recommended!