Great toys for dogs, very durable and easy to keep clean, and my dog loves it
06/09/12|Jean Vann
: 5/5
Best toy for water fun
My rescue retriever had never seen water and was scared to go in but with patience and the Konga water toy she soon found that water was fun.
I bought two more for her retriever friends.
Originally published in
: 5/5
I've used this for throwing in my local field and park, my dog loves catching it and tossing it in the air. Unlike tennis balls, he can't destroy it, and it's made of ideal material for getting wet or covered in mud!
Originally published in
: 5/5
Kong lives up to its name
Our dog loves this Kong cos the streamers make it easy to carry around in her mouth. It really jumps about and never in the same direction. I'm def. satisfied.